A friend recently saw the inside of the cargo area of my car and commented on the variety of things I have packed in there.  I explained that at the beginning of the year I had committed to being open to going with the flow of what each day brings while still tending to things that need care.  And I explained that when you try to practice going with whatever comes your way each day, it does help to be a little prepared.  Thus walking shoes, garden tools, warm clothing, hats for sun, rain, or cold along with an extra jacket, walking sticks, etc.  are things I tend to have with me. 

Today was a good example of why it’s good to be prepared.  I went to the monastery very early this morning, nicely dressed, to visit with guests one last time before they departed for home and to go to chapel since it was the Feast of St. Hildegard (hildegard being my oblate name).  I thought afterwards of meeting with friends and then to have the rest of the morning for creative work and gardening. 

Instead, going with the flow I ended up helping with this till noon.  

When moving the sheep, the monks often need help so the sheep don’t scatter.  That stuff in my car, the old work shoes, the gardening shirt and more, it all came in very handy. The sheep cooperated for the most part, as much as sheep will do.  The sky was amazing!!!