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Once a month a group of spinners get together at my house to sit and spin and sometimes learn something new.   With the warmer days, we have less people meeting as they are busy with gardening chores, family events, outdoor actvities.  It also means that we are able to work on some things outdoors. 

This week it was requested that I demonstrate how to use a drum carder.  I set up some tables and chairs in the yard before going to pick up Jessica for her morning ball game.  When I got home a little before spinners were to arrive, I started blending a pansy batt .  No sooner did I pull out my fibers when the wind gusted and sent purple fiber sailing away out of my reach.    I moved everything into the garage and we were able to work there.     Jessica was still around, playing in the yard and I could hear neighborhood kids laughing as they rode by the cherry trees on their bikes because it was “snowing pink snow”!  The wind was blowing cherry blossoms off the trees in drifts of soft pink.

The spinners learned a few new things,  they shared home cooked goodies with me,  and at the end of the day we had a glass of wine and a bite to eat.   Nice way to end the day.

I left my equipment in the garage as we don’t need it for the cars in the summer and I can work out there.   Just a little while ago, I went out and finished what I started yesterday.  This is a photo of a previous batch… there is a little over 4 ounces in this one.  It is a blend of several breeds of wool, generous amount of silk and just a little mohair, all blended enough to distribute the different colors and will result in a lightly textured yarn with a little sheen.  yes.. it is available.  $16.00 for the lot, email me or leave a message if you are interested.   I plan to start working on blends again on a regular basis, but I make no promises as to how often or how many, and I won’t take orders, I don’t want my shoulder flaring up again.  

Snow Pansies


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