You are currently browsing the monthly archive for October 2014.

One of the things I love about living where I do is being able to watch adults and children in a peaceful surrounding. This photo is one example. I watched the man help the boy find a good spot for fishing and then help with his fishing pole. I couldn’t hear what they were saying but even from a distance I could sense how special that moment was for the boy. I wish I knew who that boy was so I could give him a gift of this photo.

Yesterday a friend in a group I facilitate told me she saw a boy and older man walking down the street holding hands. As the boy walked and talked he swung the hand that held the older man’s hand, back and forth. It was the movement of his arm that caught her eye. She realized the boy was her grandson, who is also my grandson and the man was my husband. She described it as a sweet picture. Her smile as she described them reminded me of this photo.

Today my thoughts are about what we leave behind, our legacy, as Ruben and I attend the funeral of a friend.

Walking or driving around my neighborhood and town is a delight this time of year. The hills and valleys so filled with color make you want to forget where you were going and stop to take it all in. However, it is the smaller things that have caused me to pause recently….

Colorful trees while on an walk on hilly road, seemed like a perfect time to catch my breath.

The crunchy sound of leaves underfoot as I go out to sweep them off the deck each morning.

The interaction between 2 of our ‘pet’ crows who are so incredibly smart.

I’m not really sure if they are our pets or if we are their pets or if they are just family, but they seem to think this is home.

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caedmon, osb on Experiencing Joy
caedmon eco on Finding Our Way
caedmon eco on Passion for Trees
caedmon, osb on Stripped Bare
caedmon, osb on Practicing Hospitality……

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